Monday, October 20, 2014

Planning Business Messages

Starting With the Basics Writing Process for Business Messages with Purposeful, Persuasive, Economical , Audience oriented. Writing have process such as :
1. Analyze    : you must analyze and decide on your purpose of the writing.
2. Anticipate : what does the receiver already know and what the response
3. adapt         : what techniques that you use to adapt your language to its audience.

1. Research : gather data from provider facts
2. Organize : Organize the direct messages with the big ideas
3. compose  : prepare a first draft and focus on short, clear sentences

1. Revise      : edit your messages to be sure its clear
2. proofread : take your time to read every messages carefully
3. Evaluated : decide whether this messages will achieve your purpose

Analyzing Your Purpose and Selecting Your Channel
(a) Why am I sending this message? 
(b) What do I hope to achieve? Your responses will determine how  you organize and present your information.
(c) Selecting the Best Channel
(d) Switching to Faster Channels

Writing in Teams
Why Are Team-Written Documents Better? Collaboration usually produces a better  product because many heads are better than one. In addition, team members and organizations  benefit from team processes. Working together helps socialize members. They learn more about  the organization’s values and procedures. They are able to break down functional barriers, and  they improve both formal and informal chains of communication. Additionally, they buy in to a project when they are part of its development
E-mail, Mailing lists, Discussion boards, Instant messaging, 
Blogs and wikis, and Groupware and portals are on line collaboration tools that can support teams. 

how to Adapting to Legal and Ethical Responsibilities
1. Investment Information
2. Safety Information
3. Marketing Information
4. Human Resources Information
5. Copyright Information

Intercultural Communication

to increasing Intercultural Communication there are Three significant trends:
1. Globalization of markets
2. Technological Advancements
3. Intercultural workforce

Culture and Communication have some relation the characteristic of the culture are :
1. Culture is learned
2. Cultures are inherently logical
3. Culture is the basis of self-identity and community
4. Culture combines the visible and invisible
5. Culture is dynamic

there are 3 ways to Achieving Intercultural Proficiency :
1. Avoiding ethnocentrism
2. Showing tolerance
3. Keeping Patience

how to become Successful nonverbal communication in intercultural environments is you must Becoming aware of our own nonverbal behaviors and their meanings and Striving to associate with people from different cultures to broaden our intercultural competence.

you can become Successful oral communication in intercultural environments if you Learn foreign phrases, Use simple English that every one can understand you, Encourage accurate feedback and Smile when appropriate.

if you want to Write Messages to Intercultural Audiences you must Avoid ambiguous expressions, Strive for clarity and Cite numbers carefully.

Tips for Improving Communication Among Diverse Workplace Audiences. first you must Seek training and second understanding the value of differences

Professionalism: Team, Meeting, and Etiquette Skills

In the day of business we must know how to work in team. Team is A group of people with a full set of complementary skills required to complete a task, job, or project. A team becomes more than just a collection of people when a strong sense of mutual commitment creates synergy, thus generating performance greater than the sum of the performance of its individual members.

if we talk about team we will know about Teamwork. Teamwork is a work done by several associates with each doing a part but all subordinating personal prominence to the efficiency of the whole.In a business setting accounting techniques may be used to provide financial measures of the benefits of teamwork which are useful for justifying the concept. Teamwork is increasingly advocated by health care policy makers as a means of assuring quality and safety in the delivery of services.

There are 3 Types of Listening in the workplace Listening to superiors, Listening to colleagues and teammates and Listening to the customers

In business we usually use nonverbal communication. The function of non verbal communication is
1. To complement and illustrate
2. To reinforce and accentuate
3. To replace and substitute
4. To control and regulate
5. To contradict

In some industry when they form a meeting they can use Audioconferencing, Videoconferencing or Webconferencing so they can make an effective meeting.

how you Projecting professionalism when you communicate there are something you have to pay attention in professional communication such as :
1. Speech habits
2. E-mail
3. Internet
4. Voiced mail
5. Telephone
6. Cell phones or smartphones
7. Texting 

in business we must have an etiquette edge how to gain that? there are 9 way :
1. Use polite words
2. Express sincere appreciation and praise
3. Be selective in sharing personal information
4. Don’t put people down
5. Respect coworkers’ space
6. Rise above other’s rudeness
7. Be considerate when sharing space and equipment with others
8. Choose the high road in conflict
9. Disagree agreeably 

What is Your Dream in Business Context

Great Businessman

I want to become a great businessman in game context. I will build one game that contains elements of old English. The detail of the game is MMORPG for people who loves adventuring solo or with party. The feature of the game is this game called The Existence of the Lord. There are two kind of Quest in this game the main quest and side quest. Main quest is about the Journey of one Human that no have an existence and in the end he became the lord. The side quest is like for make an items that can help player to achieve their targets. All the quest uses old English text so, player must know the meaning in old English and in this game we use prose to make player have to learn an old English to make sure they can play this game. 

I will develop this game seriously and make some social interaction because great businessman without social interaction is not a great businessman its called selfish businessman.