1. Analyze : you must analyze and decide on your purpose of the writing.
2. Anticipate : what does the receiver already know and what the response
3. adapt : what techniques that you use to adapt your language to its audience.
1. Research : gather data from provider facts
2. Organize : Organize the direct messages with the big ideas
3. compose : prepare a first draft and focus on short, clear sentences
1. Revise : edit your messages to be sure its clear
2. proofread : take your time to read every messages carefully
3. Evaluated : decide whether this messages will achieve your purpose
Analyzing Your Purpose and Selecting Your Channel
(a) Why am I sending this message?
(b) What do I hope to achieve? Your responses will determine how you organize and present your information.
(c) Selecting the Best Channel
(d) Switching to Faster Channels
Writing in Teams
Why Are Team-Written Documents Better? Collaboration usually produces a better product because many heads are better than one. In addition, team members and organizations benefit from team processes. Working together helps socialize members. They learn more about the organization’s values and procedures. They are able to break down functional barriers, and they improve both formal and informal chains of communication. Additionally, they buy in to a project when they are part of its development
E-mail, Mailing lists, Discussion boards, Instant messaging,
Blogs and wikis, and Groupware and portals are on line collaboration tools that can support teams.
how to Adapting to Legal and Ethical Responsibilities
1. Investment Information
2. Safety Information
3. Marketing Information
4. Human Resources Information
5. Copyright Information